Freight Services

Dec 4, 2020

PRISM Supply Solutions has the tools to support shippers in this volatile period by strengthening your market position and ensuring you’re not left spot-buying for freight forwarding services. 


PRISM Freight Forwarding Services Contract can help by:


1.   Securing Fixed Rates Over Medium and Long-Term


Without a medium or long-term contract, spot-buying for transport services may affect your profit margin because you have less time to seek out comparative quotes, or may be susceptible to fluctuations in the market caused by high demand.


2.  Improving Cash Flow Management


Negotiate favourable credit terms and pay 30, 60 or 90 days after delivery, supporting company cash flow management.  


3.  Reducing impact of Force Majeure Events 


A comprehensive force majeure clause can protect customers from exposure in the event of a further lockdown due to COVID or unforeseeable risk. Uncertainty can be reduced by including pre-agreed terms for dealing with known risks and suitable termination rights


 4.  Flexibility to benefit from market downturn


A contractual break clause can give clients the ability to take a more commanding position during a growth period in the freight market. If the market maintains consistency, the PRISM contract has flexibility that enables our customers to re-negotiate freight rates in year.  


The PRISM Freight Forwarding Services Contract template is available now, use the following link to access it today and be in better control of your transport service provision: