
Mar 14, 2023

The tender phase of your project is a time-consuming and resource-intensive task. We offer a comprehensive tender support service providing expert tender documentation preparation and analysis and ensuring an accurate tender procedure is followed for your goods, service or works requirements.

Why choose tender support from Prism Supply Chain Consultants?

We can help you to:

  • Apply international best practice tender procedures.
  • Create accurate tender documentation, outlining all key performance requirements; 
  • Define a strategic plan and choose the right bidders; 
  • Ensure all goods, services and/or works meet the quality assessment and are in full regulatory compliance; 
  • Negotiate commercial terms with the preferred supplier.   

Trusted Tender Support from Chartered Procurement Professionals

As Chartered procurement professionals our consultants are accredited experts in effective tender support. Our global reach enables us to provide you with tender support services anywhere in the world.

Our tender support service includes:

  • Review of your project to gain an understanding of your requirements
  • Document review
  • Analysis of the technical and quality assessment
  • Preparation of documentation, such as ‘Requests for Proposal (RFP)’ and ‘Invitation to Tender (ITT)’ 
  • Selection of suitable contractors
  • Bidders prequalification
  • Bid evaluation and negotiation
  • Terms and conditions
  • Project planning
  • Contract drafting and negotiation
  • Resource planning
  • Tender procedures
  • Contract award

To discuss how we can offer you extensive support to ensure a successful tender phase, contact us today.